Monday, June 29, 2009

Flaming Gorge

This past week I went on my very last official week long scout camp. So last week I pretty much spent my entire week with a bunch of crazy twelve year old scouts, it was... interesting. Actually it was really pretty fun, we spent a ton of time on the boat attempting to learn how to wakeboard, and yes it was attempting, at least for me. I tried every day and on the last day I could've sworn I was in the water for an hour doing successive face plants. I did get out of the water quite a few times but yeah, I stayed up for maybe... 5 seconds each time, so I have learned I am officially not a wakeboarder! :) The other majorly eventful occurrence was our "wilderness survival" night. We were sent out into the "wilderness," actually just an abandoned campground, to stay the night, with nothing but a rather small survival kit. And lady luck was with us that night, it just happened to be the one night of our entire stay that it rained... Unfortunately we had no real means to make a shelter. We weren't allowed to cut branches or anything like that, and there wasn't any loose dead wood around, so we huddled up in our ponchos and emergency blankets for what turned out to be a really long night. We spent close to 7 or 8 hours beneath oak scrub with the rain pouring down on us. I did manage to get around three hours of restless sleep on the cold hard dirt. It was kind of a miserable experience what with being wet, and cold, and wet, but I will admit it is kind of cool to be able to say that I did it. That trip I also got really tan :) I only missed one day of running, and I had a pretty good time hanging out on the boat and playing in the water. If only, if only, those twelve year olds hadn't been there... :)


jCroft(y) said...

I will admit, I am jealous of your tan. But I am not jealous of your night in the rain.

Rach said...

Hey... I thought... you REALLY liked twelve year olds... EVERYONE loves 12 year olds...

Jeffrey Bennett said...

I did my Wilderness Survival at Bear Lake scout camp. They take the scouts up to the same place each week so we managed to use some half-destroyed shelters to make a new one.

The next year, we took all the twelve year olds up to the Uintahs and kicked them out into the actual wilderness for a night.

I got it easy.