Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Aftermath

For those of you that know the story :)


Megan said...

So with the black and white and color thing, how do you do it?
I have a way of doing it, but it's quite tedious.
And I'm wondering if there's an easier way..

julie said...

haha, good work

Jeffrey Bennett said...

Excellent work, Derek! I'm sure it was a surprise for them!

Paige Helen said...

Derek i love this picture.
The skittles in the bottom of my locker are slightly unpleasant however...

Derek said...

For the black and white color thing, I've found a few ways you could do it. For this one I did it the tedious way, I selected each skittle pretty much individually, luckily they're pretty much oval shape :) but there is another way if you can get it to work. There's a color select tool that you can use in most editing programs so you just select all the colors that you want to keep, but that doesn't always work so well. After you have it selected invert the selection and make it black and white.
And thank you, thank you, (bows) :) Blake was also a major mastermind behind the idea :)and Paige I wish I could've posted the video as well but unfortunately my phone doesn't let me send a file that big to my email, but I'll find a way someday! :)

Megan said...

ah, i see! thanks :)